Millions of employees have lost their businesses, jobs, and cannot pay their credit cards. Eateries and stores are only slowly reopening; many cannot pay their rent. Manufacturing companies can’t make payments for company registration or business registration in Pakistan . As Coronavirus (COVID-19) proceeds to spread as a global pandemic, the business registration in Pakistan is feeling unprecedented impacts. From company registration over employee wellbeing to massive supply chain disruptions to spinning share costs, businesses are experiencing a range of implications. Now more than ever, boards of directors need to be proactive and agile about company registration and securities, and they need to respond with strong leadership. Since there are numerous strategic, operational, and policy concerns affecting both the short and long term, boards will want to quickly analyze the following issues.ers. .
In the area of starting a business, doing business will analyze how the Covid-19 pandemic is affecting the services provided by the company registration and how governments are addressing challenges for new entrepreneurs. In some markets in lockdown, business registration is restricting access, reducing working hours, or closing their doors for some time. In some other economies suffering from the pandemic, online assistance is offered to organize and operate a new business registration in Pakistan . Some of these online services were already existing and remain operational for the company registration ; some of them are being offered as a response in the pandemic context. More broadly, doing business will keep track of any actions related to the business start-up process and adopted due to the Covid-19 situation. The project is also maintaining records of any planned reform that has been rescheduled because of the pandemic.


Around the world, the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a decrease of activities for building allowing authorities, which are either in weeks-long lockdowns or restricting their efforts to emergency operations. Doing business will collect new data for company registration on the operational status of the permitting officials – whether there is a lockdown if routine activities are still being carried during the lockdown period if reduced working hours are in place, if only pressure and critical tasks are being undertaken, or if a complete shutdown is in effect. The project will also measure if the government has established any restrictions on construction activity during the Covid-19 outbreak and whether water and sewage utility companies are offering any measures to ensure continuity of services. Information will also be obtained on measures taken by governments to support the architecture, engineering and building industry.
Governments around the world are implementing tax relief measures to address the problem of liquidity for households and businesses during this health crisis. The relief measures fall into several categories by the type of taxes that are affected – personal taxes, company registration taxes, consumption taxes – and by the type of actions undertaken – an extension of deadlines, deferral or waiver of payments, reduction in rates, speeding up tax refunds, suspension of tax audits, waiver of late payment surcharges and interest, etc. Doing business registration in Pakistan will be analyzing the measures by type of action taken. Additionally, doing business will monitor how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the services provided by the tax administrations globally. This includes reduction/extension of office hours, office closings, remote work for tax agents, access limitation to offices, delays or stopping in issuing advance tax rulings, and issuing tax returns, delays/suspension of the review process, shifting roles to online such as filing of tax returns/payment of costs rather of in-person visits.

The Covid-19 pandemic change will result in a large number of the business registration in Pakistan facing defaults and illiquidity. Across the world, company registration look to governments with a hope that specific solutions are implemented to prevent a rapid increase in corporate indebtedness and save viable businesses hit by the crisis from going broke, which would drive an increase in alternative and creative mechanisms to prevent bankruptcy and keep distressed companies as a going concern. On this basis, doing business registration in Pakistan will explore how the Covid-19 pandemic engendered instruments to prevent premature bankruptcies of healthy businesses and what measures have been established to change the liquidation structure in the company registration .