  • Christian Marriage Act 1872, the Christian Divorce Act 1869 and the Succession Act 1925. Christian Divorce Act 1869, relates to the divorce law of Christians which was presented by the British for all of the sects in Christianity. Suggested by the said act, there are three ways to file a case for a divorce. Namely,
    1. Dissolution of marriage
    2. Nullity of marriage
    3. Judicial separation

    Dissolution of marriage:

    Pakistan’s current family laws – applicable to Christians only – are about two hundred years old. The law allows divorces to Christian couples on four grounds:

    • Adultery
    • Conversion
    • Marriage to another
    • Cruelty

    According to section 10 of Christian Divorce Act 1869, a petition for a dissolution of marriage may be filed by the husband by charging his wife with adultery, while for a female spouse, she has to prove adultery coupled with cruelty, or adultery in addition to bigamy.

    Nullity of marriage:

    One of the other option open to the Christians is to file a nullity petition which means to get the spousal relationship null & void.  Nullity petition also has a limited scope and you will find small reasons on which it can be filed.

    Grounds of nullity petition in Pakistan are:

    • Marriage between prohibited degrees
    • Impotency
    • Lunacy
    • Idiocy at the time of marriage

    Judicial separation

    A case of judicial separation may also be lodged by the wife and the husband at the same time have the right to contest the divorce and the nullity petition. The court is bound to hear both the parties when the case is contested by the husband or the wife.

    To undergo the Christian divorce procedure in Pakistan the very first thing the party must do is to hire a qualified Christian divorce lawyer in Pakistan.

    Christian divorce procedure in Pakistan is a little challenging and not all the lawyers are competent enough to understand the Christian divorce procedure. So if you’re looking to file or contest any case related to Christian divorce, Nullity petition, Separation or protection order you can feel free to contact Spectrum Law Associates, the leading Christian Divorce lawyer for marriage-related cases in Pakistan.  We provide complete divorce documentation like Christian Divorce Certificate issued by the Court etc.