Allah has given the right of four marriages to every man under some conditions. Allah has used two words in Quran for husband and wife Love and Mercy. These two factor make the bond stronger and help them to stay happily together under the relationship. In today’s world people make taboo of second marriage of men in Islam.
- In Islam man has the right to get married more than once and this is the permission by Islam and on the same time every sensible man need to understand this that Allah has made polygamy law and legal not obligatory and if man feels to get married due to some reasons under some Devine rules and laws to avail this polygamy but his wife is not happy so she has the right to take divorce but if both wives has no issues and they are happy then no one has the right to interrupt in their matter.
- In Islam men has created as a guardian over women and if a men wants another women the sharia aloe him but if second marriage is creating a mess then the men should structure the family with first marriage and avoid second marriage. In Islam the permission of second marriage is given to comfort widows, disable and poor women to protect and take care of them legally.
- The most important condition for men for the second marriage is that if he is not able to treat his both wives equally then avoid second marriage because in Quran it is clearly mentioned that if you if you have more than one wife you have to treat them equally either it could be emotionally physically and financially. Mostly men take these condition on a lighter note and depriving the rights of women which Allah has given.
- The most important condition for men for the second marriage is that if he is not able to treat his both wives equally then avoid second marriage because in Quran it is clearly mentioned that if you if you have more than one wife you have to treat them equally either it could be emotionally physically and financially. Mostly men take these condition on a lighter note and depriving the rights of women which Allah has given
Spectrum law associates provides you the complete process and registration guidance regarding the second marriage legally and make your life peaceful.